Why do a dance OR ACRO exam?


Exams are an excellent way for your child to be guided through a standard syllabus which provides them a goal to work towards and the building blocks necessary to achieve that goal. Exams allow students to delve deeper into the world of acro or dance and provides accountability to their training.

​F2F are officially registered to teach Acro, Ballet and Jazz syllabus to students interested in doing exams each year.

  • ACRO- Acrobatic Arts (Fridays)

  • BALLET- BBO-British Ballet Organisation Dance (Mondays+Tuesdays)

  • JAZZ-AJDA-American Jazz Dance Association (Wednesdays+Thursdays)

Congratulations to all of our students who sat exams last year, Every student passed with flying colours and two of our F2F students were awarded one of the top 5 marks for their level in the whole of NEW ZEALAND! We couldn't be prouder of you for being so brave, trying something new and smashing it like you did!

The discipline, determination and dedication that are developed whilst preparing for and sitting exams make our students resilient. Furthermore.. these are life long skills continue to help our students in every aspect of their lives!


Private lessons